Wales Nature Week 2024

Wales Nature Week 29 June - 7 July 2024

Wales Nature Week is an annual celebration of nature showcasing the fantastic habitats and species of Wales!

We're celebrating the fantastic nature of Wales and invite you to join in! Check out our social media channels for updates.

Got an event idea? We'd love to hear from you. Organisations big and small, charities, community groups, schools & colleges, libraries, businesses & individuals can all take part by holding an event in Wales Nature Week!

What to expect at events

There will be something for everyone – events for individuals, families and those who are new to nature, to the more seasoned nature lover.

You don’t need to attend an event to celebrate Wales Nature Week. Simply get out and appreciate nature on your doorstep in Wales Nature Week. It could be the start of a lifetime’s connection!

Be part of the story! Share your nature stories and experiences using #WalesNatureWeek and highlight your passion for nature!

Nature is for everyone- no previous experience needed!

Top tips to give nature a helping hand

  • Let a patch of your garden ‘grow wild’- a host of creatures will benefit from this simple action.
  • Adopt a pollinator-friendly planting approach- bees, butterflies and hoverflies will appreciate the pollen and nectar sources
  • A window box will attract pollinators if short on space – lavender and marigolds are good choices
  • Go peat free and pesticide free- chemicals can have a devastating effect on insects and soil microorganisms. Peat free compost helps protect precious boggy habitats from peat extraction
  • Provide a water source for hedgehogs, birds and insects- a simple plant pot saucer works well
  • Give nature a home and install a bug house or bird box
  • Take pictures of nature you encounter in your garden or when out and about. Share on social media to join a vibrant community of nature lovers

For more ideas, see the Resources section and the Helping Wildlife section

Species in Wales

Amphibians & Reptiles



Terrestrial Mammals



Helping Wildlife

Wildlife Gardening