Nature Recovery – effective conservation interventions - Keynote: Prof Bill Sutherland, Cambridge University

Natural Resource Management in Wales – a fresh approach to policy, legislation and delivery - Andy Fraser Welsh Government

Biodiversity:- building our capacity to deliver benefits for nature in Wales- Ceri Davies and Patrick Green, Natural Resources Wales

State of Nature Wales – an assessment 1 year on - Stephen Bladwell RSPB Cymru - not available for download, this talk was presented with images only

QA Weds 10 Sept Day 1

Ecosystem restoration and human well-being - examples from the UK and Ireland- Conor Kretsch COHAB / University of Nottingham

Understanding ecosystem services in the marine environment: The example of seagrass meadows- Dr Richard Unsworth, Swansea University

Swansea Nature Network:- Delivering for biodiversity and ecosystem resilience in Swansea - Sion Brackenbury, Director of Commons Vision

Nature recovery planning- the role of local and regional partnerships - Soapbox: Alison Jones, Principal Ecologist Caerphilly County Borough Council

Speaker summaries Day 1


Nature Recovery Workshop - not available

How can the Welsh Government support capacity building?

Nature recovery and the ecosystem approach in Wales

Tackling invasive non-native species in Wales via novel educational and community-focused approaches

The Oil beetle Hunt in Wales

Chairs summary Day 1

Species in Wales

Amphibians & Reptiles



Terrestrial Mammals



Helping Wildlife

Wildlife Gardening